Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anti-Depressant Behavior

O My Soul:

You became a runner last year. Partly to help you sleep and partly to prove to yourself that you could do it. You chalked up two half-marathons and it had a lot of helpful benefits. Improved mood, less insomnia, and lower cholesterol. All from running (very slowly) three times per week.

I recently learned about the benefits of anti-depressant behavior, such as running or walking. It's not the particular exercise that is important but increasing your heart rate to 70% of maximum a half hour per day.

Problem is ... I don't like exercising every day. I'm beginning to think of it as a needed part of my soul care. Like an anti-depressant medication, anti-depressant behavior is part of that care.

Lord, help me to slow down and make this a daily (or more frequent) priority.



  1. I started running myself -I'm 42. I like how it gets me high even long after I finish. It also subdues the ego or as I refer to him- "The soul's bodyguard". Running allows me to achieve a clean state- a place to fall in love with the paraclete.

  2. This is a great tip. I've experienced depression and I've found that running really gives an edge.

    There's a great book called "Spark," by John Ratey. He's a psychiatrist who teaches at Harvard Medical School. He shows all the great things running -- or really, anything that increases your heart rate -- does for one's mental health -- depression, anxiety, ADHD, and stress.

    The only 'catch-22' is that when you're depressed, running can be really, really difficult to do. But even walking or doing
    something can really help.

    Thank you for your blog. It's a real blessing!
