Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brother Pastors

O My Soul:

I'm attending the monthly Pastor's (Circuit) meeting today.

I am blessed with a great group of pastors in my circuit. We are like minded on core doctrine and practice. And we can socialize together which is great.

However, I used to think about what I could get from attendance. My schedule is full. Pastors can be competitive people, especially when discussing God's Word and the people we interact with day by day. So it is sometimes easy to think of these meetings as a waste of time. Even while attending, I often wasn't really there.

I've been changing my focus. I'm beginning to think about how to support and care for these gentlemen. They have lonely vocations. They meet many people but often friends with only a few. The loneliness can be overwhelming. Some of them leave the office of pastor as broken souls.

So what do I do?

First, I listen. I talk less and listen more.

Second, I pray. Truly, none of us are ever alone. Jesus is there brother and also advocate with the Father.

Third, I more actively contribute to thinking through their problems for the benefit. Lord knows, they do the same for me.


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