Sunday, March 21, 2010

Free Book is All the Buzz

O My Soul:

I ordered four copies of the Free Book entitled I Trust When Dark My Road. I had two other copies from the first publication, too.

Anyway, I wove the book into a Wednesday night Lenten service a couple weeks ago. After the service, I made the copies available to anyone in the congregation who would like to read the book. I only asked that they return the books when finished so we could keep them in the library for others to read.

That Wednesday night, I handed out five of my six copies. I handed out the other one on Sunday. Three come back by the beginning of the next Wednesday service but were gone again before locking the doors and going home.

I've had three people explain how various kinds of mental illness is in their family.
I listened and then prayed for and with them. I think it has been made clear that I will listen.

I didn't think the book would be this popular among so many in the congregation. There are many hurting people out there.

God bless you and keep you.


1 comment:

  1. Amen! I'm so glad it is of benefit to you and your sheep.

