Monday, March 15, 2010

The Sandman

O My Soul:

My wife would call it a pregnancy sleep.

I call an international jet-lag sleep. It is like counting backwards from ten while the dentist turns up the gas before removing empacted wisdom teeth. This kind of sleep is in control of you rather than the other way around.

Yesterday, was a Gospel day. Morning service and Bible study was really nice. Lunch with my family. I spent the afternoon teaching a new member class and taking Holy Communion to the home of a cancer patient. I was home at supper-time for a great homemade meal with my family.

All I did was take a little rest on the couch after supper...and awoke this morning at 8:30 a.m. That's 14 hours of sleep (well minus the two hours of T.V. from 10 to midnight).

What's with that?

Dressed. Quick breakfast. Matins at church and office hours.

It is now 11:30am and I'm still rubbing the sand out of my eyes.


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